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Relationship in the workplace

Relationship in the workplace is the interaction that exists in the workplace between colleagues, manager(s) and clients/customers.

There are different forms of relationships that improve the code of conduct and activities in an organisation.

Good and strong relationship provides social connection between two or more people. This social connection could be business interactions, family, friends and coworkers.

Employees spend more time at work, approximately 10hours daily therefore, the better relationships with colleagues are, the more confident and productive one becomes.

Sharing ideas and opinions is easily done in a supportive team or organisation. It is also easier working within a supportive team to achieve organisational goals.

Types of relationship in the workplace

According to Andrew Tarvin in his book, Humor That Works (2019), there are 7 types of work relationship.

1. Co-worker

This type of relationship does not necessarily need time together out of work as it is a relationship between employees on the same level. They have little or no power over one another.

2. Team member

This involves people working closely in a professional manner while adapting to achieve a common goal.

Sharing of ideas, brainstorming and execution of strategies are carried out together by employees in this relationship for the greater good of the company.

3. Work friend

Those involved in this type of relationship are mostly categorised as a form of support system or network in the workplace. They assist and provide support mentally and practically to each other.

4. Manager

The connection between a manager and worker is completely professional and essentially characterised by differences in authority/hierarchy. The manager plays a vital role in assigning tasks to workers and receiving reports from them.

5. Office spouse

Due to spending a lot of time at work, there is great tendency to find love in the workplace. Care should be taken as romantic engagement in workplaces are not professional.

6. Mentor/mentee

This is a leadership or supervisory relationship between an experienced trainer and an associate in the workplace to help one accomplish any task attempted or intended for a prosperous result or success.

7. Life friend

Life friendship exists within and without the workplace. Parties involved are more inclined towards sustaining their emotional health and supporting their happiness, prosperity and growth. There is a greater demand of trust and loyalty while interacting in this relationship.

Importance of work relationship

  1. Having good relationship with colleagues builds confidence.
  2. It improves the right working mood for employees.
  3. Good working relationship makes employees find their job pleasant.
  4. It increase employees enthusiasm to be productive.

How to build work relationship

  1. Being self-aware of personal emotions in order to manage the emotions of others.
  2. Being attentive and acknowledging the emotions of others.
  3. Being supportive.
  4. Being assertive.
  5. Staying positive and flexible where necessary.

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